2025 CAE in Cybersecurity Community Symposium - CAE-CD Track
Beginning this year, all accepted proposals will be published in the 2025 CAE Symposium double-blind refereed proceedings. We will be using the EasyChair platform to facilitate the submission and peer review process. A one-page extended abstract (from CAE-CD Community members) for 20-minute presentations/mini workshops, 10-minute lightning talks, or an unaccompanied poster is encouraged—limit of three proposals per academic institution. Please review the submission requirements in the Author’s Guidelines.
Everyone submitting an abstract agrees to serve on the Program Committee and conduct a peer-review of at least three abstracts. Program Committee (reviewers) name and affiliations will be listed on this page and in the proceedings.
2025 CAE-CD Call for Submissions
Subject to change
Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 |
08:00 am
08:00 am
Event Begins
12:00 pm
Working Lunch
05:00 pm
07:00 pm
Sponsored Reception |
Wednesday, April 9th, 2025 |
08:00 am
08:00 am
Event Begins
11:00 am
Designation Ceremony
12:00 pm
Working Lunch
05:00 pm
Thursday, April 10th, 2025 |
08:00 am
08:00 am
Event Begins
10:00 am
NCAE-C National Centers Strategic Topics
12:00 pm
2025 CAE in Cybersecurity Symposium
Attendee Type | Ticket Price |
POC Priority Registration 12/19/24 - 01/31/25 at 11:59 p.m. ET | $150 |
General Registration 02/01/25 - 02/28/25 at 11:59 p.m. ET | $200 |
Late Registration Subject to seat availability 03/01/25 - 03/16/25 at 11:59 p.m. ET (REGISTRATION CLOSES on 3/16) | $250 |
Walk-In Registration Reopens on 04/07/25 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Subject to seat availability and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. | $300 |
Event Dates: April 8 - 10, 2025
Registration Details:
An email with registration information will be sent via Constant Contact. Please ensure your email
preferences allow messages from us and confirm you're subscribed to receive all updates and
important event details.
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligible attendees include CAE Points of Contact (POC), Alternative POCs, one additional representative from their institution (faculty or staff), and invited government and industry personnel.
2025 CAE in Cybersecurity Community Symposium and the Annual PMO Meeting
Travel Stipend Policies and Procedures
A member from the CAE Travel team will reach out to you directly after the event to process your stipend.
(Travel assistance is funded by a National Centers for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity grant (H98230-22-1-0316) which is part of the National Security Agency. )
Travel Stipend Policy for CAE Community Symposium Attendance (April 8-10, 2025)
Eligibility: A $500 travel stipend is available to the Tool listed Designated Point of Contact (POC) of each CAE institution attending the 2025 CAE Community Symposium.
Proxy Attendance: If the designated POC cannot attend, they may appoint a proxy to attend and receive the stipend.
- Appointment Process: To appoint a proxy, the POC must:
- Email events@caecommunity.org
- Copy (cc) the proxy in the email.
- Clearly state that the proxy will attend on their behalf.
Failure to follow these steps may result in forfeiture of the stipend.
CAE-CD Author's Guidelines:
Official Language:
The language of the annual CAE in Cybersecurity Symposium is English.
Extended Abstracts:
All submissions to include lightning talks, presentations, mini workshops, and posters must first submit a one-page abstract via EasyChair for peer review. Submissions must be anonymized without identifying the authors, their affiliations, or contact information. All submissions will undergo double-blind review via EasyChair platform by the Program Committee members.
Submissions that will be accepted for presentation at the CAE-CD Track of the CAE in Cybersecurity Symposium will then be invited to submit the “final version of accepted abstracts”, which at that point will include the authors, their affiliations, or contact information; however, it must conform to the one-page limit and following the Extended Abstract template provided. Accepted submissions will be published in the CD Track refereed extended abstract proceedings.
All extended abstracts are limited to one page only. Briefly describe the issue, topic or problem that is the basis for the presentation. Briefly describe why this is an important topic for the CAE-CD community. The extended abstract should not exceed one (1) page, single-spaced including heading information and references - see template provided for additional guidelines.
For initial review:
Initial submissions must not include the name, affiliation, and email address of the author(s). These will be added if the submission is accepted for presentation at the CAE- in Cybersecurity Symposium and for publication in the CAE-CD Track proceedings.
Select four to seven keywords that capture the essence of your paper.
The current APA formatting guidelines are used to make internal citations within the body as well as provide the complete alphabetic list of reference citations at the end of the paper. The References list contains only works cited in the paper and all works cited in the paper must be listed in the References section. Please refer to https://apastyle.apa.org/ for complete APA Reference Style Guidelines. Content and references must not exceed the one-page limitation. See the CAE-CD Track extended abstract proceedings template provided for additional
Place text in one (1) column, full justification.
Paper Size:
Letter (8.5’’ x 11’’).
All four margins (top, bottom, left and right) must be one (1) inch.
Must be Times New Roman 12-point type for ALL text.
“Extended Abstract” Heading:
Must be in Verdana, 12-point, centered, with 6-point after the paragraph.
Page Numbers:
DO NOT put page numbers at the top or bottom of the pages.
The title must be in Verdana, 12-point, bold, capitalize only the first word, with 6-point before and after the paragraph, and centered across the top of the page.
Authors (After acceptance only!):
All names should be centered across the page, supplying the name, university affiliation, and e-mail address in Verdana, 10-point, left aligned, with 6-point after the paragraph. The e-mail address is to be in lowercase.
NOT permitted.
File Format:
All submissions must be in MS Word. Authors should use the required template provided.
Peer-review is the foundation of the academic community. As such, by submitting an abstract, all authors and co-authors must agree to serve on the Program Committee (PC) and conduct peer-review of at least three abstracts.
All authors and co-authors must be authorized to attend and register for the CAE Symposium. This includes Point of Contacts (POCs), alternate POCs, and others authorized by the NCAE-C to attend.