CAE-C PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL Now recruiting for the 2022-2023 academic year
Posted on 25 Oct 2022 10:40 AM

The National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) program has grown to encompass institutions from all corners of the United States. This diversity has led to an increased effort in collaboration overseen by the CAE-C Community National Center located at California State University, San Bernardino. To ensure equal opportunity, full transparency, dissemination of resources, and a strong sense of community, this vast society is organized into three academic designations known as Communities of Practice (CoPs); Cyber Defense, Research, and Cyber Operations. To align our efforts and ensure voices from all aspects of the CAE-C Community, including government, private sector, and academia are heard, the formation of a President’s Council has been initiated. Help us build the legacy of this Nation's cybersecurity education. Please complete the interest form here.