Greetings to the CAE community and to those institutions interested in learning more about becoming a CAE-designated institution. Moraine Valley Community College, as North Central Region CAE Regional Resource Center (CRRC), is hosting a workshop on March 22, 2018. This date immediately precedes the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) conference taking place in Chicago this year.
About the Workshops
- On March 22, a CAE application assistance training workshop is scheduled and Mentor/Reviewer Training is scheduled.
- This workshop will benefit those schools already in the application pipeline as well as those considering applying for designation.
- This workshop is geared toward those CAE affiliated individuals considering joining the Mentor/Reviewer cadre.
Leading the workshops will be CAE National Resource Center (CNRC) teams from Whatcom Community College and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA). We also expect to have NSA expertise and guidance represented at these workshops.
Please fill out the registration form below if you are interested in attending. You will be contacted with additional details (i.e. location, workshop information, travel support, etc.) once you register. A reminder that only CAE designated institutions and those schools who have submitted a complete Applicant checklist to the NIETP Program Office are eligible for travel support.
Contact Information
If you have questions regarding this event, please contact kostkas@morainevalley.edu.
If you are having trouble filling out the web form, please contact info@caecommunity.org.