Hands-On Learning: How do the CAEs assess skill?
Posted on 10 Jul 2017 5:30 PM
The Institute of Applied Research (IAR) at California State University, San Bernardnio is conducting a study on Hand-On Learning. Your institution's main person of contact may be contacted by Dr. Barbara Sirotnik (or one of her staff members) to explain the project and answer some questions on how your institution teaches cybersecurity. Your institution also has the option to avoid the phone call by taking the survey online. Please respond to this survey as soon as possible. 

About The Study

This is a study of the hands-on assessment tools, requirements, and desires of the CAE-C institutions. The end-result will be a catalog of systems in use and their attributes as well as a needs assessment that would address gaps in current systems.

Our Hands-On Learning study will focus on several key areas:

  • Graduating students
  • Teaching and training practices
  • Technologies used for instruction
  • Assessment practices and strategies

Contact Information

 If you have any comments or questions about the study, please contact cyber@csusb.edu or bsirotni@csusb.edu.