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Traditional programming courses have relied on students learning coding syntax from examples and other textbook sources. As students learn to write code, they become proficient in the syntax, logic, debugging and documenting their code. ChatGPT is a revolutionary method that allows students to generate new code, fix bugs and errors and assist in the writing and learning of programming languages and computational concepts.  This session provides an outline of the application of ChatGPT is a server-side programming class at the University of Hawaii Maui College in the Spring semester of 2023. This session will cover the following topics 

  1. Overview of ChatGPT  
  2. Introduction to Conversational Model in a Programming Course
  3. Techniques to learn programming using ChatGPT  

The session will provide the participants with an overview of how ChatGPT can be used as an assistive tool in the 
classroom, with examples of how it has been used in a programming course to help students learn to code. The session will provide examples of how the risks of plagiarism and cheating can be minimized using ChatGPT. Finally, the session will provide the participant with code samples and examples about how this new tool can be included in their own classroom. While this session focuses on the application of ChatGPT on a programming course, the lessons from this session can be applied to other courses in various disciplines unrelated to programming or technology.

Debasis Bhattacharya
Thursday Block II
03:00 pm ~ 03:20 pm
Designation Track
Speaker Details
Debasis Bhattacharya, University of Hawaii Maui College
Speaker Bio
Dr. Debasis Bhattacharya is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Hawai’i Maui College, and program coordinator for the Applied Business and Information Technology (ABIT) baccalaureate program. Dr. Bhattacharya has been working in the software and higher education industry for 35 years, having worked for large corporations such as Oracle and Microsoft for 15 years. A resident of Hawaii since 2002, he has been actively researching the information security needs of small businesses since 2008. As a former small business owner, he understands the needs and demands of information security, as well as keeping a small business up and running! Dr. Bhattacharya holds degrees from MIT, Columbia University, University of Phoenix and NW California University School of Law. Re- search interests include computer science education, cybersecurity, cryptocurrencies, blockchains and machine learning. Dr. Bhattacharya is a Senior Member of the IEEE and the ACM and a member of the Academy of Management (AoM).